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The BRSC Community Outreach Center was started in September of 2018 after the close of the Safeway at Bryans Road. The closing of Safeway left only the Food Lion to serve the thousands of people that live on the Western Side of Charles County which includes Bryans Road, Indian Head, Pomfret, Marbury, Pisgah, Welcome, and Nanjemoy. The community was devastated as many depended on the Safeway to pickup things on their way home, to work, or to purchase gas.
As a response to the depression in the community, Gloria Jolly reached out to the management of the Bryans Road Shopping Center to help the community by providing some space at a reduced rate to open a Community Center, thus the Bryans Road Shopping Center Community Outreach Center was born.
The very first event was a Free Car Show and Concert on September 26, 2018. The event went very well and lifted the spirits of the community. Mrs. Jolly then made it her goal to have an event once a month for the children and/or adults. The Car Show and Concert was followed by a Halloween Paint N' Sip for the children and parents in October; a Health Fair and Thanksgiving Baskets distribution in November; and ended the year with the first Santa's Workshop that provided 167 children with free toys and gifts.
The Community Center continued it's work all through 2019 with Health Fairs; a Senior Life Planning Event; a Touch-A-Truck event that raised money for the Bryans Road Fire Department; a Mother's Day Paint N' Sip and Brunch; a School's Out Party; the 2nd Annual Free Car Show and Concert; a Halloween Party for the kids; a Gospel Concert and Thanksgiving Basket distribution; an United Way / Health Partners / Food Bank event; and ended with the 2nd Annual Santa's Workshop that provided 225 children with free toys and gifts.
The Community Center had just started 2020 with a Service Day, the 2nd Annual Red Dress Dance; and United Way / Health Partner Resource Day when COVID-19 hit and literally shut everything down. But, that did not keep the Community Center from working with the United Way to have a Resource Day and provide food, cleaning supplies, baby supplies, play kits for kids, pet supplies, and more to the community on June 20, 2020. The event was s drive-thru that served 171 cars (representing 593 people) and numerous walk-ins.
The BRSC Community Outreach Center reopened November 24, 2020 under The Jolly Group, LLC dba BRSC Community Outreach Center. On October 28, 2021, the center received its non-profit status as a 501(c )3 under the Jolly Dream Foundation.
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